Outreach: Fall Festival

From 1975 through 1982, we sponsored an annual fall festival in Oak Grove Park in Iowa City. All of us lived in the neighborhood, and the City let us use the tiny white frame building in the park for storage and as a meeting place. I guess you could call it our first actual location. Each fall we baked 2000 cookies, asked all of our performing friends to participate, and invited the public to our neighborhood park. We featured performances by Dave Morice as Dr. Alphabet, David and Nancy Chrapkievich with their balalaika group, Duffy DeFrance as a belly dancer, even early Greg Brown. Of course we did lots of puppet shows. In those days we hadn’t perfected our crowd control, and we sometimes had to shoo children off of our props or out of our stage during the shows.

Dave Morice as Dr. Alphabet Puppet Stage, Mark Twain, & audience Fall Festival flyer