Be sure to check out the amazing book by our Managing Director and Lead Puppeteer Monica Leo (co-authored by our Chief Executive Officer, Puppet Alfred Shulz) - Hand, Shadow, Rod: The Story of Eulenspiegel Puppet Theatre is available from Ice Cube Press and at many great bookstores!
Good habits start young! Dr. Germington is here to encourage children to wash their hands, brush their teeth, and be more mindful of the viruses and bacteria around us. As the doctor goes through her day at the hospital and in her home, children will learn about the many ways that microorganisms can thrive or be thwarted!
Nacho and Yoyo’s Escapades, a bilingual English/Spanish show, takes elements of Iowa City’s barrio history mixed with large doses of fantasy to create an original story detailing the adventures of a chihuahua and an escaped circus monkey.
Who will win the big election for Leader of the Beasts? Will it be Benny P. (for Progress) Beaver or Terry E.
Bring our bilingual show, Uncle Rabbit's Adventures, to your community!
Uncle Rabbit's Adventures uses large, beautifully crafted hand puppets and lots of fun props to tell the story of a wealthy land-owning goat who doesnʼt want to share with his neighbors.