Magical Fish and Mermaids
Two Stories and a Song!
The Fisherman and his Wife is the ancient Grimm’s Fairy Tale of the magical fish who grants wishes until the beneficiaries become too greedy and too hungry for power. The Mermaid of the Magdalenes, a Canadian folk tale, is much newer and features an ocean full of fish, a canning factory, and a little girl named Madeleine who wishes she could live in the ocean. Will her wish be granted? The two stories are joined with a song, The Keeper of the Eddystone Light, illustrated with a cranky, an old fashioned illustrated scroll that resembles an old time movie. Both stories are performed by puppeteer Monica Leo with delightful Bohemian style rod marionettes.
Curriculum Connections:- Folklore
- Science
- History
- Art
- Music
- Drama
Age group:5-95
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