Play to Play (or Hold Your Puppet Up!)

Follow the Adventures of the Puppets and the Puppeteers!


Play to Play (or Hold your Puppet Up!) is a touching and humorous glimpse into the private lives of the puppets and puppeteers created and performed by Monica Leo. Using the traditional art of paper theater as a starting point, Monica has created a performance featuring incidents experienced during thirty five years as a touring puppeteer, exploring the relationship between work and play, between loss and recovery. The show uses hand painted paper puppets and paper engineered staging to tell droll and touching stories about the interactions between the puppets, the puppeteers, and their friends and audiences. The play was developed with the encouragement and advice of the Black Doggers Playwriting Group and the support of the Iowa Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts (photo by Michael Kreiser)

Age group:12 through adult